Meet the G44!

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Meet the G44!

There’s a new FEATURED GUN program here at SimTrainer!

We recently obtained two highly sought after firearms for our members to try out on our NEW Feature Gun Program so we can determine if it is worthwhile to add them to the Range Gun Program.  The first is the Glock 44 and the other is the Springfield Hellcat.  Both will be available to rent next week.  The Glock 44 will rent for $5.00 and the Hellcat will rent for $10.00, and ammo must be purchased at the range.

The first 20 members to rent the Glock 44 will receive a Glock custom set of ear and eye protection.

From this point forward, new guns will be selected for the Feature Gun Program and made available for rental.  They will remain on the Feature Gun Program for three months at which time a determination will be made if they will be retained on the Range Gun Program.  This new protocol is necessary to help offset the considerable expenditure of keeping an extensive inventory of range guns.

We will also be selling off several of the existing range guns currently in stock due to them not being rented very much.  Watch for a listing of guns to be sold in future emails.  If you are interested in purchasing any of the existing guns, please send an email to and Jeff will negotiate a fair price with you.

We thank our members for understanding this needed change, and we hope everyone will help us determine which guns are worth retaining for extended periods of time.

One final note…we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a newly released Ruger 5.7.  We will let you know when it arrives!

Upcoming Classes

  • Handgun 5
  • First Shots
  • Basic Handgun
  • Concealed Carry
  • First Shots
  • Hours

    • Mon: Closed
    • Tue: 12:00 PM – 3:30 PM
    • Wed: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Thur: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    • Fri: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Sat: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    • Sun: 12:00PM – 4:00PM


    2031 Dryden Rd.
    Dayton, OH 45439-1741
    Phone: 937-293-3914

    Get Directions

    At The Range

    Ohio CCW Certification

    This state-mandated course is taught by NRA and/or OPOTA certified instructors, and it meets all State of Ohio training requirements for applying for a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) which permits licensees to carry concealed handguns.

    Range Membership

    SimTrainer is a membership only range.  (Training courses are open to the public) Your membership comes with a discount on classes, unlimited access to the shooting range, discounts on FFL transfers, and early access to special events.

    First Shots

    At the end of this course, students will know the proper way to handle firearms safely.  If you're new to firearms training, First Shots should be your first port of call!




