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12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas

Christmas is upon us! Are you ready? Or, are you still getting gifts for loved ones? Well, we wanted to make sure you know that we've got just what you need this holiday season! From gift cards, to training, to package deals - check it out below. Plus, remember, we...

The Christmas Raffle (For Real This Time!)

The Christmas Raffle (For Real This Time!)

It's here. We've finalized our Christmas Raffle! And, for those of you who heard about it last week... this version is WAY more exciting! There are five chances to win, and the prizes have been upgraded as well! Tickets will be sold now until the 23rd - which means...

Black Friday IS HERE

Black Friday IS HERE

BLACK. FRIDAY. It's the day (weekend?) you've all been waiting for! So, you've seen all of the deals up to now... and you're wondering what's next, right? Well we've got it here and we can't wait for you to see! We've added more storage solutions, more ammo, and more...

The Training Pass is HERE!

The Training Pass is HERE!

New and improved: Training Pass & Training Pass PLUS! Have you been thinking about getting your CHL (Concealed Handgun License) but you don't know what firearm you want to carry, or where to start? SimTrainer's improved Training Pass just might be the answer....

SecureIt Weekend

SecureIt Weekend

SecureIt has launched a new storage solution - the Agile 52! Its an organizational powerhouse. We got our hands on a few of them, and have them marked down to $499 while supplies last! If you want to see how this can change your gun storage game, check these out....

New Arrivals + BOGO First Aid Training

New Arrivals + BOGO First Aid Training

This weekend at SimTrainer we've got a lot going on! Check them out below - but this isn't all! There's also a BOGO on registrations for the Emergency First Aid class coming up. You can also get some special deals on ammo, if you stop into the range.

Upcoming Classes

  • First Shots
  • Basic Handgun
  • Concealed Carry
  • First Shots
  • Basic Handgun
  • Hours

    • Mon: Closed
    • Tue: 12:00 PM – 3:30 PM
    • Wed: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Thur: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    • Fri: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Sat: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    • Sun: 12:00PM – 4:00PM


    2031 Dryden Rd.
    Dayton, OH 45439-1741
    Phone: 937-293-3914

    Get Directions

    At The Range

    Ohio CCW Certification

    This state-mandated course is taught by NRA and/or OPOTA certified instructors, and it meets all State of Ohio training requirements for applying for a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) which permits licensees to carry concealed handguns.

    Range Membership

    SimTrainer is a membership only range.  (Training courses are open to the public) Your membership comes with a discount on classes, unlimited access to the shooting range, discounts on FFL transfers, and early access to special events.

    First Shots

    At the end of this course, students will know the proper way to handle firearms safely.  If you're new to firearms training, First Shots should be your first port of call!




