Black Friday IS HERE

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Black Friday IS HERE

BLACK. FRIDAY. It’s the day (weekend?) you’ve all been waiting for!

So, you’ve seen all of the deals up to now… and you’re wondering what’s next, right? Well we’ve got it here and we can’t wait for you to see! We’ve added more storage solutions, more ammo, and more accessories into the mix for this Black Friday. Check out all of the details below! And remember, the early bird deals, as well as the packages and our SecureIt promotions are still available (while we have product in stock!) so you can still take advantage of those.

Just a few of our blanket Black Friday deals are:

  • Buy one get one 1/2 off ALL PISTOL MAGS
  • 50% OFF all in-stock Stoner Holsters
  • 25% OFF Electronic Ear Protection
  • 20% OFF all in-stock Hoss Custom Holsters
  • 15% OFF Peltor ear plugs & Eye protection

And there are more product specific price-drops below!

Early bird promos are hanging around!

Our early bird promos this year run from Monday (the 19th) to Sunday (the 25th). Check them out below!

The packages AND the SecureIt deals are still listed below, too, so you can take a look at them before they’re gone.

Have you seen the packages?

This year our packages for the season include a firearm of your choice!

These packages all come in at over an $800 retail value, and are going for $550 and $625 depending upon the firearm you choose!

All of the packages will come with Peltor ears & eyes, a Kleen-Bore cleaning kit, a Bulldog range bag, and a SimTrainer Training Pass.

Keep in mind, that training pass comes loaded with registration for a Basic Handgun class, Concealed Carry training, THE AMMO you need for those courses, AND a Quarterly Membership to the range! If you already have a membership, or you’ve already taken those classes, remember you can gift that Training Pass to anyone in your life who you think would benefit from learning how to defend themselves if the situation ever arose for them (so… anyone and everyone!).

To summarize, with this package, you get:

  • Your choice of the firearms listed below
  • The training you need to know how to use it
  • The ammunition for that training
  • A membership to come practice what you learned in your classes
  • And the gear you’ll need when you come to the range

So basically… we’ve got you covered.

And, to top it all off, the SecureIt prices from earlier this week are ALSO still valid! Keep on scrollin’ to find those below, on page 2!


Upcoming Classes

  • First Shots
  • Basic Handgun
  • Concealed Carry
  • First Shots
  • Basic Handgun
  • Hours

    • Mon: Closed
    • Tue: 12:00 PM – 3:30 PM
    • Wed: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Thur: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    • Fri: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Sat: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    • Sun: 12:00PM – 4:00PM


    2031 Dryden Rd.
    Dayton, OH 45439-1741
    Phone: 937-293-3914

    Get Directions

    At The Range

    Ohio CCW Certification

    This state-mandated course is taught by NRA and/or OPOTA certified instructors, and it meets all State of Ohio training requirements for applying for a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) which permits licensees to carry concealed handguns.

    Range Membership

    SimTrainer is a membership only range.  (Training courses are open to the public) Your membership comes with a discount on classes, unlimited access to the shooting range, discounts on FFL transfers, and early access to special events.

    First Shots

    At the end of this course, students will know the proper way to handle firearms safely.  If you're new to firearms training, First Shots should be your first port of call!




