What to Expect:
The league is designed to provide shooters with the opportunity to practice learned skills (drawing from a holster, tactical reloading, using barricades, shooting from various positions, shooting on the move and at moving targets, shooting in low light conditions, precision aimed and instinctive point shooting, good guy/bad guy target recognition, among others) in a pre-fabricated stressful environment characterized by performing in front of your peers and under time limits while navigating the challenging courses of fire. Courses of fire usually require between 48-56 rounds of Cleanfire ammo, which can be purchased at the range, and participants should have at least 3-4 magazines.
The cost for participation is $12 per week. Participants need to shoot in at least five of the eight weeks for each league session to be eligible for fianl placement since we count the five best weekly scores. Your score is calculated by subtracting your time from actual points earned.
League sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 4-7 PM and Wednesdays from 11 am to 1 pm. Participants can compete on both days. The league schedule is posted on the SimTrainer website under the Activities tab. Please check the schedule or range calendar regularly since training classes occasionally preempt league sessions.
League Rules
- All new shooters must discuss their individual skills with range staff prior to participating to make sure they have the necessary experience to compete. Experience drawing and re-holstering, shooting from cover, on the move and at moving targets are necessary prerequisites for participation. SimTrainer offers courses to teach such skills. All new shooters who are not members must sign in on the tablet and complete the waiver form.
- Staff are responsible for notifying RSOs of new shooters who are intending to compete. One of the RSOs will then go to the classroom and question the aspiring participant about their gun handling skills relative to what is needed to safely compete in the league and make a determination as to whether the participant can safely participate. RSOs will then review the range commands that will be used during league and make sure the participant understands.
- PCC shooters are permitted to shoot in the order that they sign up sign up, even if they shoot pistol and PCC back-to-back, however, all such shooters must have ALL magazines needed for both firearms fully loaded and ready to go so no time is wasted loading mags between runs. This also applies to pistol shooters who must now have enough mags loaded and ready to go so time is not wasted loading mags between runs.
- Those wishing to shoot PCC must have a chamber flag (available at the range if needed) positioned in the chamber of an unloaded PCC, with the selector switch on SAFE, prior to arriving at the range. They must also tell the front desk staff member of their desire to shoot PCC, and then have that staff member or a RSO who is not running shooters, carry the PCC into the range and place it in the rack. Once the shooter has completed the course of fire, the chamber flag will be placed in the chamber under the supervision of the RSO and the PCC will be returned to the rack. The shooter must then retrieve his/her carry case and have one of the inactive RSOs assist them in casing the PCC. Do not interfere with the RSO running the range when doing this.
- All firearms are to remain in the holster until the shooter is on the line under the supervision of the Range Safety Officer (RSO). Participants will load and unload firearms only in the presence of the RSO.
- Participants may load magazines in the classroom or in the range, but they are not permitted to handle their firearms anywhere in the facility except that unloaded firearms may be removed from range bags and placed directly into the holster without racking the action.
- Participants who opt to use the gun they carry must wait until they are on the firing line under the supervision of the RSO to unload their personal protection ammo and replace it with jacketed ammo.
- Only commercial ammo be used during league; no reloads. Bullets must be full metal jacket (FMJ), total metal jacket (TMJ), completely copper coated (CCC) only – no unjacketed lead.
- Vision and hearing protection required at all times the range is hot, which is all times except during setup and tear down
Any unsafe gun handling, dropping a loaded weapon, pointing weapon in an unsafe direction, or unintentional/negligent discharge will result in disqualification for that night. - Shooters are expected to help run the league by keeping score, pasting targets, cleaning up brass, set up and tear down.
- Those using optics or lasers will be placed in the Optics class.
Register for your Slot
To register, select the slot on your desired date.
During this time, if you register but do not show for your designated time, you will still be charged for taking that slot in a squad. Exceptions for unusual circumstances can be made by discussing the matter with Jeff only.
Date | Time | Class | Available Spaces | Select |
04/01/2025 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
League: Slot 1
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
7 | Select Class |
04/01/2025 | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
League Slot 2
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
7 | Select Class |
04/01/2025 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm |
League Slot 3
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
12 | Select Class |
04/02/2025 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
League: Slot 4
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
6 | Select Class |
04/02/2025 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm |
League: Slot 5
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
6 | Select Class |
04/08/2025 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
League: Slot 1
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
7 | Select Class |
04/08/2025 | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
League Slot 2
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
7 | Select Class |
04/08/2025 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm |
League Slot 3
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
12 | Select Class |
04/09/2025 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
League: Slot 4
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
6 | Select Class |
04/09/2025 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm |
League: Slot 5
SimTrainer, Dayton Ohio |
6 | Select Class |