Show notes and links for Shootin' from the Hip, December 26, 2020. Jeff and Mark spent most of the show talking about a notice document the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) posted for comment on titled Objective Factors for...
NEW STOCK AVAILABLE Most of the guns listed in the pre-Thanksgiving email have already been sold. We have, however, received the following NEW guns that are available for sale: Remaining firearms: Smith and Wesson Shield w/ 5 mags and bug-out-bag: $525 SCCY CPX with...
Ammo Notification
FEB 2021 UPDATE: We now have 9mm in stock at the range. Boxes are $45 each. We are also opening up the opportunity to order 20 box cases of Blazer brass 9mm - in order to take advantage of this, please send a confirmation email to The one-time...
Ammunition Shortage
Very good summary of the multi-faceted supply chain issues contributing to our ammo shortage - starts at about 1:20 into the segment. Bearing Arms - Cam & Company: Where Has All the Ammo Gone? (You can find more articles and video from Cam Edwards at...
Pure Gold – The Biden Plan to ‘End Gun Violence…’
This is a pretty long article. It's worth the time needed see what is at stake in November. However, read this with your gun control 'disgronifier' on full strength. For example, it's not about gun safety or gun violence - it's about gun control and infringing your...
SimTrainer Range Guns for Sale It is estimated that about 90% of all guns in circulation in the US have been sold. As almost everyone knows, it is almost impossible to get any of the preferred firearms people most want. We are almost out of every new gun we had in...
Deadly Force Decisions – The First Step
DEADLY FORCE DECISIONS – THE FIRST STEP Lt. David L. Williams (ret) We live in a violent society. When I first became a police officer, I carried a six shot revolver. Portable radios were bigger and heavier than bricks. There were no cages in patrol cars, and...
Meet the G44!
There's a new FEATURED GUN program here at SimTrainer! We recently obtained two highly sought after firearms for our members to try out on our NEW Feature Gun Program so we can determine if it is worthwhile to add them to the Range Gun Program. The first is the Glock...
National Shooting Sports Month 2019
It's National Shooting Sports Month! SimTrainer is proud to announce that we're participating in National Shooting Sports Month again in 2019! Sponsored annually by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, NSSM is a perfect opportunity to introduce friends and family...
SimTrainer Anniversary Event
It's our ANNIVERSARY! Well... Kind of. SimTrainer has been around for 15 years - didn't it fly by? We wanted to celebrate (as you know we're fond of doing!) So this month there will be A LOT going on here at the range during May! Phase 3: Magazines 15% off! Starting...
At The Range

Ohio CCW Certification
This state-mandated course is taught by NRA and/or OPOTA certified instructors, and it meets all State of Ohio training requirements for applying for a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) which permits licensees to carry concealed handguns.

Range Membership
SimTrainer is a membership only range. (Training courses are open to the public) Your membership comes with a discount on classes, unlimited access to the shooting range, discounts on FFL transfers, and early access to special events.

First Shots
At the end of this course, students will know the proper way to handle firearms safely. If you're new to firearms training, First Shots should be your first port of call!